Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Confessional

Not too shabby this week!!   Good on most things, a little lax on others.  But overall, I feel like it was a very productive and well spent week.  We got a visit from my parents AND Alyssa and Brent on the same night, and it was the highlight of our whole week!  Wish we could make it more regular occurrence! 

1. SMILE AND BE NICE... you laugh, but this is really hard for me these days.

Woo Hoo!!!  Other than kids in obvious trouble who would be confused by a smile, I was pretty good this week!

2. Get through the first week of TOG History/Bible/Geography and stay on track.

I LOVE TOG!  The kids were really engaged and even asked for some extra work!  We did great!

3. Keep up the pace with Anatomy~ it's quite a bit of work and information, but soooo worth it!

We decided that the days we had it scheduled were not quite right, so we'll try new days next week!

4. Get the cabinet in the garage at least halfway done~ I'll post before and after pics when it's done!

Almost there, we had a few surprises in the evenings this week (like my mom and dad coming over for dinner...that was a GREAT surprise)  so I didn't get as far as I would have liked.

5. Really read and meditate on God's words.

Still working on this one... seems like the harder I try, the harder the devil fights me!

6. Put at least 3 meals in the freezer fro this winter.

I got one in!!!  So, not too shabby!

7. Listen to my book on my MP3 player, and possibly get past the first 6 chapters LOL

NOPE!!!  Too busy schooling those darn kids!

8. Exercise in the mornings, I really need the extra energy right now, so I have to start taking care of myself.

See number 5!!

9. Go to the Farmers Market on Saturday

Not there yet, but still planning on it!

10. Keep my cool, don't freak out, find my happy place, whatever it takes to keep ahead of the RADlings! This goes in line with #1!

I am soo proud of myself, I really didn't lose my cool this week!!  Even with both RADlings putting in overtime this week!  GOOOO MOM!!!

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