For those of you who aren't well versed in RAD, Let me give you a little back ground. Miss P has been with us for over two years now, and I can count on two hands the times she has given me a sincere hug. I can count even fewer times that she has displayed a true REAL emotion besides hurt and anger towards myself or Big Daddy. Don't get me wrong, she pretends quite a few emotions, like sorrow, joy, happiness, but rarely are they REAL emotions. They are usually what she thinks you want to hear. BUT TODAY I GOT BOTH!!!!!!! And they were so very real!
Miss P started kindergarten last week. This was a choice that we put a lot of prayer and thought into. Today when she came home from school, I was just cleaning up and she walked right up to me, put her arms around me, and squeezed like no body's business. Not a shrug hug, not a creepy hug, not a stiff hug, she melted into me and REALLY hugged me. And then the impossible happened... she said "I missed you today mommy" in a real voice, with real emotion, and I was able to tell her I missed her too, because I HAVE missed her. Not the crazy Rad induced her, but the real her that I get to see so very rarely.
And then it happened... I felt it, and I cried. I cried so hard I had to leave the room. I cried so hard my kids asked if I was OK. I laughed and told them they were happy tears! I've been doing the happy crying dance all evening. The Lord has blessed us richly indeed! Funny how the hardest kid to love, brings me to tears with the sudden realization that all our hard work to show her love is finally paying off!
She then asked if she could sit with me through our Family Movie Night. And she did, and it was REAL, not stiff and weird! I'm not saying we're out of the woods, but it's nice to see a little progress once in a while. I'm hoping for a few more good days before we have a back slide. I know it's coming. I'm not a pessimist, this is progress, but with progress most of the time we regress a little after. I'm holding tight to the light God shined upon me today through that little blessing. It's going to get me through the darkness!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Weekend Rewind
This weekend was great for Lovely L and I, not so great for Big Daddy and the left home herdlings!
Lovely L and I drove off into the sunset (literally... the sun was setting in my face most of the way) on Friday afternoon to visit the "farm" and L's true love. We arrived late, but were welcomed with a clean place to sleep~no dog hair, YAY~ and permission to sleep late! The first part was a definite, the second, well, no such luck! We were up bright and shiny at 7:40 in the a.m.! We took advantage and took a long morning walk. It was SO nice to see lovely L smile and laugh. We loved on Mickey the Bull, scared bullfrogs into the pond,
Pretty Little Flower we need to identify
Enormous Grasshopper (almost 3.5" long!)
Lovely L holding a baby bullfrog
Making the froggies JUMP and PEE
Lil' Mickey we've known him since he was a calf
Now his head is over two feet wide!
and took lots of pictures of the flora and fauna as you can see! We also saw a tree frog, several HUGE spiders, as well as their egg sacs... 

We finally got the right bit for Monkey, and he rode like he should. We bathed and groomed the poor guy until he had had enough. He stepped on my foot, but I got lucky and didn't end up too bad off, just a small bruise on one of my toes. Lovely L rode her Monkey until her bum hurt too bad to keep on! I'm working on a cushion for her bum for the next visit! OH, and My father-in-law made me a shoe rack for all the millions of shoes that populate my front hall! All in all a very good weekend, and a nice get away for us. Mean while, back at the circus...
Now his head is over two feet wide!
and took lots of pictures of the flora and fauna as you can see! We also saw a tree frog, several HUGE spiders, as well as their egg sacs...
We finally got the right bit for Monkey, and he rode like he should. We bathed and groomed the poor guy until he had had enough. He stepped on my foot, but I got lucky and didn't end up too bad off, just a small bruise on one of my toes. Lovely L rode her Monkey until her bum hurt too bad to keep on! I'm working on a cushion for her bum for the next visit! OH, and My father-in-law made me a shoe rack for all the millions of shoes that populate my front hall! All in all a very good weekend, and a nice get away for us. Mean while, back at the circus...
I left Big Daddy in charge of the other four herdlings. I knew when I left that lil C was on the tail end of a cold, and not feeling all that well, but did not expect what came next. I got a call on Saturday the P was feeling crummy, so I told him to keep me posted if she started feeling worse. She did okay the rest of the day, but wasn't up to much. Sunday morning, A1 and Big Daddy managed to get all the herdlings to the church house, on time even! On the way home A2 decided to start something (he's been feeling a little RADish since P started going to Kindergarten). He lied to Big Daddy about what the service was about in children's church... SERIOUSLY!? Lying in our house is a HUGE mistake, especially with Big Daddy in charge, and he knows it! After the aftermath of A2's lies, Big Daddy takes a look around and sees Miss P laying around looking extra pitiful. I get a text... Miss P is running a low grade fever. Two hours later, she's running a high octane number! Good thing momma's on her way home! Breathing treatments and medicine here we come. She's much better today and looking forward to going back to school tomorrow. I am too! Oh and did I forget to mention lil C? He was a perfect angel... until I got home! Back to reality!
Manic Mondays
List for the week...
1. Buy a printer and get A2's glasses... hopefully today
2. Remember to be back here by 2 for A2's first math tutoring session
3. Print out the rest of weeks one and two for Tapestry of Grace
4. Find and order a grammar and spelling curriculum for A1 and L
5. Shop for the supplies needed for our first week of science and hands on history assignments
6. Start Co-op on Friday
7. Start week one of TOG with the kids
8. Start week one of Science on Friday after Co-op
9. Call and make all the arrangements for Cam to start Pre-School next week
10. Remember to fix dinner every night this week... maybe even start my freezer cooking for the fall.
11. Remember to EAT LUNCH every day this week! Sounds silly, but I often forget
12. Start exercising in the mornings before I go get lil T for the day... maybe I'll start tomorrow
13. Locate and start a family bible study... Thinking about this
14. Find time to relax every day... even if it's only 5 minutes (and be grateful for the time I get)
Ok, so this seems pretty do-able. Well, at least most of it! Remembering to eat and cook may get the better of me, but I'm going to try! Look for a weekend wrap-up post later this afternoon!
1. Buy a printer and get A2's glasses... hopefully today
2. Remember to be back here by 2 for A2's first math tutoring session
3. Print out the rest of weeks one and two for Tapestry of Grace
4. Find and order a grammar and spelling curriculum for A1 and L
5. Shop for the supplies needed for our first week of science and hands on history assignments
6. Start Co-op on Friday
7. Start week one of TOG with the kids
8. Start week one of Science on Friday after Co-op
9. Call and make all the arrangements for Cam to start Pre-School next week
10. Remember to fix dinner every night this week... maybe even start my freezer cooking for the fall.
11. Remember to EAT LUNCH every day this week! Sounds silly, but I often forget
12. Start exercising in the mornings before I go get lil T for the day... maybe I'll start tomorrow
13. Locate and start a family bible study... Thinking about this
14. Find time to relax every day... even if it's only 5 minutes (and be grateful for the time I get)
Ok, so this seems pretty do-able. Well, at least most of it! Remembering to eat and cook may get the better of me, but I'm going to try! Look for a weekend wrap-up post later this afternoon!
Friday, August 27, 2010
PMS and the herdlings
Truth be told, I would not admit to having PMS... not in the usual way. I don't get cranky, I don't really bloat, I don't get particularly moody, I don't cramp(anymore-I had my uterus electrocuted a while back). So why the PMS post???? My symptoms are sneakier than most! I dream really vivid INSANELY real dreams. My auditory processes go into overdrive. I sweat... A LOT! Ok, so the last one was way too much information, but, it's out there! Why, you ask, are you telling me this?? Didn't you already post today?? Is this really necessary??
As I write, A2 is busy munching on his snack across the table from me... and I can hear every pop, crunch, and slurp... and it is sooooo very hard not to yell at the top of my lungs to stop eating, and never make another sound. That would be unfair to the little herdling, he's merely eating, right?! My poor husband gets the brunt of it! He is a spoon clacker, you know the one... with every bite, the spoon(or fork, or shovel) has to hit both sets of teeth, and scrape the spoon with his teeth! We have lips for a reason!!! If it's ice cream, it's even better... the spoon must hit the bowl AND his teeth for it to be enjoyable for him. AKKKKK I know I sound like a crazy woman! But, A2 is sitting there munching grapes and popcorn, as my fingers curl, and my teeth grind. I just smile sweetly and ask him if he wants to go outside to eat. Fortunately he's the agreeable sort, and happily complies. Did I mention the baby screaming in my face the entire time, and Lovely L singing some unknowable tune in the background? See, the auditory thing is ruling my life again! If I thought the herdlings wouldn't take advantage, I'd put in earplugs, but alas, they are MY herdlings, so I'm not chancing it!
Just had to rant, if you have solutions, please post!!! Oh, and the dreams.... well, I'm not telling, lets just say I woke up feeling very maternal!
As I write, A2 is busy munching on his snack across the table from me... and I can hear every pop, crunch, and slurp... and it is sooooo very hard not to yell at the top of my lungs to stop eating, and never make another sound. That would be unfair to the little herdling, he's merely eating, right?! My poor husband gets the brunt of it! He is a spoon clacker, you know the one... with every bite, the spoon(or fork, or shovel) has to hit both sets of teeth, and scrape the spoon with his teeth! We have lips for a reason!!! If it's ice cream, it's even better... the spoon must hit the bowl AND his teeth for it to be enjoyable for him. AKKKKK I know I sound like a crazy woman! But, A2 is sitting there munching grapes and popcorn, as my fingers curl, and my teeth grind. I just smile sweetly and ask him if he wants to go outside to eat. Fortunately he's the agreeable sort, and happily complies. Did I mention the baby screaming in my face the entire time, and Lovely L singing some unknowable tune in the background? See, the auditory thing is ruling my life again! If I thought the herdlings wouldn't take advantage, I'd put in earplugs, but alas, they are MY herdlings, so I'm not chancing it!
Just had to rant, if you have solutions, please post!!! Oh, and the dreams.... well, I'm not telling, lets just say I woke up feeling very maternal!
Friday Confessional
Ok, so here it is...
I am a horrible mom! I only made dinner one night this week! Other than that one night, it was take-out (Schlotzky's), or Breakfast-for-Dinner (your choice of cereal or oatmeal) , or my fabulous daughter A1 fixed dinner(eggs one night, and pork chops another). I am feeling so VERY guilty. Now, that being said, I did have very good reasons. I was extremely tired from lack of sleep two of those nights, and out trying to find printer ink so we can start school next week one of the others. But seriously! This leads me to my new format for my blog... Mondays I will be giving you a list of all my manic plans for the week, then on Friday, you get to hear about all I did *or didn't* accomplish! I know, I know, this all sounds rather tame, and run of the mill, but I need somewhere to post all the craziness in my head, and you get to be subject to it! So buckle up, we're going on the coaster! Keep all arms and feet inside the ride at all times!
On an up note, I get to go to the "farm" this weekend with my Lovely L. Her little horsey Monkey is getting ready to ride and so is she! It also means I get to spend time with my really awesome mother-in-law all by me onesie! I love these weekends in the country with L! Peace and quiet (except when Grandpa is around-then there's no peace at all), a great horse, and two of my favorite females! I am hoping in all that peace and quiet to be able to get all our homeschool stuff lined out.
We have decided on Tapestry of Grace Year One for history and literature, and I am fairly pleased so far! It is far more than we have done in the past, but I know the herdlings are up for it! I chose Apologia's Exploring Creation through Anatomy and Physiology for our science program. I am SOOOOO very excited about this year's science. Those who know me well, know it is something I am very passionate about, and this text and notebooking system is absolutely AWESOME! I am going to continue using Hooked on Phonics for A2 and L, because it is working. L is really getting some fluency, and A2 loves to read the little books and play the CD ROM that come with the program. I am still on the lookout for a Grammar/Spelling program for the big girls... Leaning toward this. Let me know what you think. All in all, it is going to be a full year. I'm looking forward to getting a few weeks under our belts to see how it's going to work.
One last confession~ I'm still in my pj's and it's past 2 in the afternoon! I guess I should go get dressed before I have to go get P off the bus!
I am a horrible mom! I only made dinner one night this week! Other than that one night, it was take-out (Schlotzky's), or Breakfast-for-Dinner (your choice of cereal or oatmeal) , or my fabulous daughter A1 fixed dinner(eggs one night, and pork chops another). I am feeling so VERY guilty. Now, that being said, I did have very good reasons. I was extremely tired from lack of sleep two of those nights, and out trying to find printer ink so we can start school next week one of the others. But seriously! This leads me to my new format for my blog... Mondays I will be giving you a list of all my manic plans for the week, then on Friday, you get to hear about all I did *or didn't* accomplish! I know, I know, this all sounds rather tame, and run of the mill, but I need somewhere to post all the craziness in my head, and you get to be subject to it! So buckle up, we're going on the coaster! Keep all arms and feet inside the ride at all times!
On an up note, I get to go to the "farm" this weekend with my Lovely L. Her little horsey Monkey is getting ready to ride and so is she! It also means I get to spend time with my really awesome mother-in-law all by me onesie! I love these weekends in the country with L! Peace and quiet (except when Grandpa is around-then there's no peace at all), a great horse, and two of my favorite females! I am hoping in all that peace and quiet to be able to get all our homeschool stuff lined out.
We have decided on Tapestry of Grace Year One for history and literature, and I am fairly pleased so far! It is far more than we have done in the past, but I know the herdlings are up for it! I chose Apologia's Exploring Creation through Anatomy and Physiology for our science program. I am SOOOOO very excited about this year's science. Those who know me well, know it is something I am very passionate about, and this text and notebooking system is absolutely AWESOME! I am going to continue using Hooked on Phonics for A2 and L, because it is working. L is really getting some fluency, and A2 loves to read the little books and play the CD ROM that come with the program. I am still on the lookout for a Grammar/Spelling program for the big girls... Leaning toward this. Let me know what you think. All in all, it is going to be a full year. I'm looking forward to getting a few weeks under our belts to see how it's going to work.
One last confession~ I'm still in my pj's and it's past 2 in the afternoon! I guess I should go get dressed before I have to go get P off the bus!
Monday, August 2, 2010
I got SOOOO close!
Ok, so this morning I had a number of things to get done today. I never thought I would get it done... and I didn't, but I got soooooo close!
1.School the big kids and do my chores~ I got my chores done, and the girls got math done, not too shabby considering they got their chores done and got their room SPOTLESS!
2.Call the Pre-School for lil one~ had a nice long visit with the director, and we're all set for the trial day, she really believes her teacher can handle all his quirks, and I believe in her.
3.Called the school district~hit a brick wall! They are not willing to work with us at all! PISD (Paerland ISD)is right! Left a message for the counselor at the school we don't want to go to, to determine what we can do to make this work.
4. Dr's office for shot records~ ok, so I slacked on this one, just couldn't get all the kids naps in line with the moon today.
5.Go through the clothes bucket for P~ Done and Done!
6.Call two women I don't really know and hold a coherent conversation~ YES!!! I was brave and had a one hour visit with each of them! I am SO very proud of myself!
7.Return shirt and get school supplies and clothes~ NOPE! But I did fix a great dinner for our family plus one extra neighbor kiddo... Roast, REAL mashed potatoes, and my famous fried zucchini. YUM
So all in all I feel pretty good about the day. We'll venture out to finish the rest tomorrow, maybe even get brave and return my WAY over due library books. LOL
God is so good to help me through these kinds of days, and have me come out the other side refreshed and renewed by the people I met along the way.
1.School the big kids and do my chores~ I got my chores done, and the girls got math done, not too shabby considering they got their chores done and got their room SPOTLESS!
2.Call the Pre-School for lil one~ had a nice long visit with the director, and we're all set for the trial day, she really believes her teacher can handle all his quirks, and I believe in her.
3.Called the school district~hit a brick wall! They are not willing to work with us at all! PISD (Paerland ISD)is right! Left a message for the counselor at the school we don't want to go to, to determine what we can do to make this work.
4. Dr's office for shot records~ ok, so I slacked on this one, just couldn't get all the kids naps in line with the moon today.
5.Go through the clothes bucket for P~ Done and Done!
6.Call two women I don't really know and hold a coherent conversation~ YES!!! I was brave and had a one hour visit with each of them! I am SO very proud of myself!
7.Return shirt and get school supplies and clothes~ NOPE! But I did fix a great dinner for our family plus one extra neighbor kiddo... Roast, REAL mashed potatoes, and my famous fried zucchini. YUM
So all in all I feel pretty good about the day. We'll venture out to finish the rest tomorrow, maybe even get brave and return my WAY over due library books. LOL
God is so good to help me through these kinds of days, and have me come out the other side refreshed and renewed by the people I met along the way.
Monday Monday
Today I have a LOOONG list of things to get accomplished! It is Monday, and after a weekend full of support from my family, I am ready to tackle the seemingly insurmountable tasks in front of me. So the list is as follows...
1. School The big kids, and get my chores done... vacuuming downstairs and two loads of clothes
2. Call the Pre-School to set up a trail day for the 3 year old little one and get all the licencing info
3. Call the school district and get info about transferring youngest RADish to a more emotionally supportive school. This may prove to be the hardest of all!
4.Load all the kiddos in the truck and go get immunization records from the Dr.'s office
5.Go through clothes bucket for Patience to find out if we have any clothes that suit the dress code for school.
6. and probably the hardest of all, call two women that I do not know at all and try to establish a connection so that I have at least two mom's who REALLY understand this crazy life I live.
7. If time allows after all that, I would like to return a shirt that doesn't fit, and go get school supplies and clothes for Miss P.
I know it looks like a fairly easy list to most of you. In our world though, almost every task is a mountain to climb. I'll post tomorrow and let you know how far I ACTUALLY got. Happy Monday to you all!
1. School The big kids, and get my chores done... vacuuming downstairs and two loads of clothes
2. Call the Pre-School to set up a trail day for the 3 year old little one and get all the licencing info
3. Call the school district and get info about transferring youngest RADish to a more emotionally supportive school. This may prove to be the hardest of all!
4.Load all the kiddos in the truck and go get immunization records from the Dr.'s office
5.Go through clothes bucket for Patience to find out if we have any clothes that suit the dress code for school.
6. and probably the hardest of all, call two women that I do not know at all and try to establish a connection so that I have at least two mom's who REALLY understand this crazy life I live.
7. If time allows after all that, I would like to return a shirt that doesn't fit, and go get school supplies and clothes for Miss P.
I know it looks like a fairly easy list to most of you. In our world though, almost every task is a mountain to climb. I'll post tomorrow and let you know how far I ACTUALLY got. Happy Monday to you all!
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