Monday, October 18, 2010

Manic Monday

For the last few weeks I've been completely off track.  I get derailed easily, VERY easily, so this is my attempt to be back on track.

1. Get Miss P to the clinic today for her chicken pox vaccine... she can't go back to school until I get it done... Oops!

2. Go through the clothes bucket for Lovely L and purge her closet.(It's a jungle in there!)

3. Start the applique work for Awesome A2's quilt~ hopefully get some of the squares sewn together too.

4. Focus on chores getting done (nothing has gotten done for the last few weeks).

5. Find a time to exercise this week... make it stick.

6. Put two to three dinners in the freezer because I've been steadily depleting my stash.

7.  PRAY PRAY PRAY... for every.little.thing, and some of the big things too, specifically how to make up the difference in cash flow after December 31st.

8. Call the HOA and set up the date for Miss P's birthday party.

9.  Print out Birthday invites for both Rockin' Writer and Miss P

10. Pack and get ready to leave for The Farm on Friday after Co-op.

Wish me luck!

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